Golf et hôtel de Naxhelet
LeClub Reference
Golf courses recognized for their quality of service and judged on 100 criteria and mystery visits
Presentation of the golf course Golf et hôtel de Naxhelet
Located on a plateau overlooking the "Meuse" and "Mehaigne" valleys, Naxhelet Golf Club features no less than 30 holes designed by the internationally recognized English architect Martin Hawtree.Our facilities include an 18-hole course with a length of 6344 meters, a pitch and putt 9 holes and 3 holes dedicated to Naxhelet Golf Academy. Members have a reserved floor featured with sofas and table games.Throughout its design and its construction and now its maintenance, Naxhelet Golf Club has paid particular attention to social and environmental aspects. This has given a sustainable dimension for the entire project.The Golf de Naxhelet is the only golf in Wallonia to have obtained the "geo" label thanks to 100% biological responsible treatment.
Driving range
Equipment rental
Indoor driving range
Putting green
Golf cart
Golf workshops
Other golf courses: Province of Liège
Other golf courses: Belgium